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Division Information

Tee Ball

League Ages 4, 5, and 6 (for new players). This is where all new players should start. RIF Safety baseballs are used in this division. The ball is placed on a tee for all players during the first half of the season. For the second half of the season, a parent or coach may pitch three (3) balls to a batter. If the ball is not put in play, a tee is used. This division is intended to be purely for fundamental baseball instruction and fun. This is a non-competitive division. Games are not scored and standings are not kept. USA STAMPED BATS.

Rookie Coach Pitch
League Ages 5, 6 and 7 (for new players). This division is the next step after Tee Ball. Standard Little League baseballs are used in this division. Players should have a grasp of baseball basics, and should be able to sometimes hit a softly thrown ball from 30'-35' feet away. A coach will throw baseballs from immediately in front of the mound, and innings end after 3 defensive outs or after the entire lineup bats. This division is intended for fundamental baseball instruction. Games are not scored and standings are not kept. USA STAMPED BATS 

Coach Pitch - Single A
League Ages 7 and 8 (occasional 9 year old). This division is not recommended for first time players. This division may be appropriate for some advanced League Age 6 players who are able to play catch well and hit a ball thrown from the mound more than half of the time. Standard Little League baseballs are used in this division. Players can advance on over throws(no stealing). Having a catcher is mandatory. Both the Coach (first half) and Blue Flame Machine(Second Half or if the district uses it for postseason play)) are used to throw baseballs from immediately in front of the rubber for the entire season. During the first half of the season, a batter is "out" after 5 pitches. During the second half of the season, a batter is "out" after three swinging strikes or 5 pitches, whichever comes first. This division is the final step before competitive baseball begins in AA. USA STAMPED BATS

Minors - AA
League Ages 8, 9 and 10. Sometimes appropriate for advanced League Age 7 players who are highly proficient in playing catch and who can also defend themselves from hard-hit baseballs while playing in the infield or first year League Age 11 players. Players must try out and must be drafted on to AA teams. This is a competitive division. This is the first division where all games are scored and standings are kept. AA Baseball is "player-pitch" baseball and is played on a field with 60 foot base paths and a pitcher’s mound that is 46 feet from home plate. Players are drafted in rounds. Managers evaluate players at tryouts and draft accordingly. USA STAMPED BATS
Minors - AAA
League Ages 9, 10, and 11. Sometimes appropriate for League Age 12 players who are beginners or for whom it may be a safety risk to play in Majors.  League age 12 players cannot pitch in Minors.  Players must try out and be drafted on to AAA teams and all games are scored. AAA Baseball is "player-pitch" baseball and is played on a field with 60 foot base paths and a pitcher’s mound that is 46 feet from home plate. Players are drafted in rounds. Managers evaluate players at tryouts and draft accordingly. USA STAMPED BATS

Competitive division for players ages 10-12. Players must try out and be drafted onto Majors teams.  Players age 12 shall be selected in the Major Division draft, unless when evaluated during evaluations is deemed a safety risk.  Should a player be deemed a safety risk, that player may be placed on a Minors team.  Players must attend the evaluations in order to be drafted into the Majors Division.  If they do not attend evaluations they will be placed on a Minors team by random draw.  Majors Baseball is "player-pitch" baseball and is played on a field with 60 foot base paths and a pitcher’s mound that is 46 feet from home plate. Players are drafted in rounds. Career player method is used in the Majors division. This means players can finish their LL career on the team who drafted them or reenter the draft the following the year. Managers evaluate players at a tryout and draft accordingly. USA STAMPED BATS

                                                                   Intermediate (50/70)

The Intermediate (50/70) Baseball Division utilizes a 50-foot pitching distance and 70-foot base paths.

The division, which was new division of Little League Baseball in 2013 for players league-age 11-13 with postseason tournament opportunities, including a World Series, offers a transition for players between the standard Little League field size (46-foot pitching distance and 60-foot base paths) and the Junior/Senior field size (60-foot, 6-inch pitching distance and 90-foot base paths).

Regular season players in the Little League Intermediate 50/70 Baseball Division have the opportunity to dual roster, meaning he/she can play in the Little League Major Baseball Division during the same season. Achieving tournament eligibility is possible in either division, but a player must choose one division of play to participate in during the tournament season. USA STAMPED BATS

Junior League (60/90)
League Ages 13 - 14. Utilizes a 60-foot pitching distance and 90-foot base paths. As a Competitive Division, the primary goals of Juniors Baseball are to provide the players a suitable vehicle to take their game to the next level in preparation for most competitive arenas of Youth Baseball such as High School and Senior Little League. USA STAMPED BATS 


Vero Beach Little League Baseball Building Character One Base at a Time
P.O. Box 650690 
Vero Beach, Florida 32965

Phone: 772-485-4000
Email: [email protected]

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