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Vero Beach Little League Rules

Team Managers/Coaches

1.     For draft divisions (AA, AAA, Majors, Juniors) each team shall have designated 1 manager and up to 2 assistant coaches (3 total coaches). For other divisions, each team shall have 1 designated manager and up to 2 assistant coaches, but may have an additional coach in the dugout during games (4 total). The Board of Directors (with president appointment) must approve all managers and coaches. Each coach and manager must have registered online and uploaded a Manager/Coach Commitment Form and Volunteer Form and be approved before they assume a role as coach or manager.

2.     Additional volunteers can assist during practices, but must have registered online and uploaded a Volunteer Form and be approved before they are allowed with any interactions with the players. These individuals are not allowed to be within the dugout during the game if the manager and 2 designated assistant coaches are present.

3.     A manager and/or coach shall not allow nonregistered VBLL players to practice. These individuals are NOT covered by Little League Insurance.

4.     All managers must advise the Player Agent of any problems or concerns regarding their team. If the Player Agent is not available, a member of the Board of Directors shall be notified. If a problem occurs during a game, the umpire in charge of that game must be informed of the problem concerning any players, coaches, or managers.

5.     The League Safety Officer must be notified of any injured player. All players that require a doctor’s care must have a written release from the doctor prior to returning as an active player. This includes any injuries or illnesses not related to baseball. Until a proper release is received, the player cannot physically participate in any practices or games. A player that is injured or ill and doesn’t have a doctor’s release will not be allowed into the dugout or on the field during games.

6.     Replacement of injured players can only occur if a signed letter from a medical doctor is presented to the Board of Directors and the injured player will miss a minimum of three games. Under these circumstances, a player may be called up to replace the injured player only after the injured player has been properly released in accordance with the Little League Baseball Operating Manual. All actions regarding release and subsequent replacement of injured players require board approval.

7.     Managers and coaches are responsible for the condition of the dugouts after each game. All trash is to be collected prior to leaving these areas and deposited in the proper trash receptacle and recycling bins.

8.     Each team must select a Team Parent prior to the start of the regular season to assist with the requirements of each team. Each will require an approved volunteer background on file with the league.

9.     Managers must attend league sponsored manager training that may be conducted prior to beginning of season. Failure to attend will be grounds for removal as manager at the discretion of board of directors.


General Rules for All Divisions

1.     The 10-run rule will be in effect for all divisions Coach/Player Pitch “AA” and above.

2.     Any player who is out of the lineup for more than three consecutive weeks (or six games) is subject to being removed from his/her team by action of the Board of Directors. However, the Board of Directors reserves the right to allow such player to remain on the roster. Managers must make the player agent aware if any player misses more than three consecutive games for any reason. Failure to do so will be cause for corrective action against the manager.

3.     All managers, coaches, and umpires must attend a clinic sponsored by the league prior to start of the season if one is conducted.

4.     Game balls will be provided by VBLL before each game.

5.     No food, glass bottles, or glass containers are allowed in dugouts. Plastic bottles are permitted. Each team is responsible for cleaning up their dugout and the spectator area on their side of the field.

6.     Only board approved managers, coaches, players, volunteers and umpires are allowed in dugouts at any time. Batboys, batgirls or anyone else not a member of the team will NOT be allowed in the dugouts at any time. This is an insurance requirement and must be followed at all times. Only 1 manager and 3 coaches are allowed in the dugouts during a game. For Tee Ball, and Single A, baseball divisions, one additional approved volunteer adult may assist with the coach/manager in the dugout due to the assistant coaches being on the field to help with instruction. It is required in all divisions that an adult is in the dugout.

7.     No manager, coach, or player may leave the playing field (including dugout) without the umpire's permission.

8.     Players are required to be in the dugout while their team is playing the field. Managers and coaches can sit on a bucket or stool at the dugout openings.

9.     A player, coach, or manager ejected from a game shall be suspended from the team's next scheduled game. A manager, coach, or player suspension shall be served away from the field where the team is playing. Exception: If a suspension of a player causes a team to be unable to field nine players to begin a regular season game, the suspension may be served the following game with the prior approval of the Player Agent and/or Board of Directors if a pool player is not available.

10. Note: The one game suspension is the minimum suspension to be given to players, coaches, or

11. managers ejected from a game. If necessary, additional disciplinary action may be taken as recommended by the Disciplinary Committee and approved by the Board of Directors.

12. Umpires and Managers are responsible for ensuring that games begin and complete on time.

13. Players are not allowed to warm up in the vicinity of spectators (Common Areas).

14. On-deck batters are not allowed in T-Ball, Coach Pitch “A”, Coach/Player Pitch “AA”, Minor “AAA” and Major Divisions. Between innings, only one batter may be outside the dugout to warm up prior to first pitch being thrown for that inning. On-deck batters are allowed in the Intermediate, Junior, and Senior Division however they must remain on their side of the field regardless of which side the batter is batting from.

15. Both teams are responsible for making certain that any equipment stored within the field are placed safely in foul territory prior to the start of any game.

16. The Coaches of both teams will be responsible to place tarps over pitcher’s mound and home plate area after games are concluded. Teams, please work together on ensuring the fields are properly shut down and clean.

17. For the safety of players, managers and coaches, all dugout gates will be kept in the closed position at all times during a game.

18. Any team that cannot field at least nine players for a scheduled game shall forfeit that game. Forfeit time shall be 15 minutes after scheduled start of game. Any game that is forfeited will not be rescheduled.

19. Batting helmets for AA, AAA, Majors, and Juniors must have a chin flap.

20. Player’s equipment must not be shared if the player has any sort of condition that can be transferred to another player using that equipment.

21. All players on a team shall be dressed in identical uniforms issued or approved by the league.

22. It is mandatory that a pitch count be kept on each pitcher at the Player Pitch “AA” Division and above. The home team will furnish the official scorekeeper and it will be their responsibility to track the pitches thrown by a pitcher (including foul balls). It is the manager’s responsibility to note any discrepancy. Immediately after the pitcher of the opposing team throws a pitch the pitch count becomes official. Game changer is mandatory for AA and above.

23. Any adults who are around the players in games and/or practices must refrain from the usage of cigarettes, cigars, pipes, chewing tobacco. E-cigarettes, vapor cigarettes and all similar products.

24. All games must be concluded by 10:00 PM.

25. All games must complete at their scheduled time to allow the 15 minute time break between games to prep the fields, warm ups, and to allow the subsequent game to start on time.

26. A plate meeting must be held at the start of every game to ensure both teams and any officials agree on the rules for the game to be played. This covers specific items to the division rules as listed in the following sections.


T-Ball (Ages 4, 5, & 6)

1.     Games will have a maximum time limit of 45 minutes and drop dead at 1 hour. A new inning is considered to have started when the last batter of the inning has batted.

2.     All players on the roster will be in defensive positions with one player on each side of the pitcher's mound. Both pitchers must have one foot on pitcher’s mound (in the dirt) when batter is preparing to hit the ball. No more than seven (7) players may be positioned at infield positions. Outfielders must be positioned with both feet on the outfield grass until the ball is hit.

3.     A half inning is completed when all players on the offensive team have batted.

4.     Even though outs are not counted for completion of an inning, a player who is declared out while running the bases must return to the dugout. This rule may be waived provided both managers agree to do so prior to the start of a game. This is during the second half of the season only.

5.     Stealing of bases is not allowed.

6.     Managers and coaches are allowed on the playing field for defensive instructional purposes. Managers or coaches may not position themselves in foul territory.

7.     Managers, coaches, and parents may serve as umpires.

8.     There are no strikeouts in T-Ball.

9.     Each batter will receive three (3) "hittable" pitches. Any pitch deemed "un-hittable" by the coach shall be declared a "no pitch" and will not count against the batter. After 3 “hittable” pitches, the batter must hit from a tee. (Each Manager can start a player from the Tee at their discretion)

10. The Coach Pitcher shall pitch to batters from his/her team at a position anywhere from the pitcher’s mound to a point approximately half way between the pitcher’s mound and home plate. Pitches must be thrown overhand to the batter. The team manager or a coach shall pitch to each batter. The “pitching” coach is permitted to either stand upright or kneel when pitching. No fast pitches are allowed.

11. One base is allowed on an overthrow at the player’s own risk. Second half of season only and if both coaches agree.

12. A batted ball must travel further than Five feet in front of home plate. If the ball is hit less than 5 feet, it shall be considered a foul ball.

13. Catchers are NOT allowed in T-Ball.

14. USA Stamped bats are required.


Coach Pitch- Rookie (Ages 5, 6, 7)

1.     All games will have a time limit of 1 hour (DROP DEAD at 1 hour 15 minutes). No new inning may be started after 1 hour. A new inning is considered to have started when the final out of the previous inning has been made. Each game will end at the designated time.

2.     The defensive team shall field no more than 10 players. The infield will consist of players at first base, second base, third base, shortstop and a catcher (with cup). Only one pitcher shall be positioned to either side of the pitcher’s mound and shall assume normal pitcher position after completion of the pitch by the Coach (at least one foot in the dirt). There will be no creeping in on the batter by any defensive players from their normal position. All other players will be positioned in the outfield with both feet on the outfield grass until the ball is hit. No player shall play more than 2 innings in the same position.

3.     No player shall sit out more than 1 inning per game unless team size requires otherwise in which case it should be equal time sitting.

4.     Each team shall bat ALL players on offense. The league will use continuous batting order of all players present at the game.

5.     A coach pitches from pitching circle.

6.     Each batter will receive five (5) "hittable" pitches. Any pitch deemed "un-hittable" by the umpire shall be declared a "no pitch" and will not count against the batters 5 “hittable” pitches. After 5 hittable pitches, a player can get more pitches if both coaches agree prior to the game.

7.     If a hit ball comes in contact with the coach pitcher, the ball is dead and the player is awarded 1st base. If any runners are on base, they cannot advance except as forced.

8.     A half inning is completed when three outs have been made or when five runs have been scored.

9.     Stealing of bases is not allowed.

10. The play is dead when the infielder maintains possession of the ball or the ball is thrown to the pitching coach.

11. Managers and coaches are allowed on the playing field for defensive instructional purposes. Managers or coaches may not position themselves in foul territory.

12. One base is allowed on an overthrow, at the runner’s own risk. SECOND HALF OF THE SEASON.

13. A batted ball must travel further than ten feet in front of home plate. If the ball is hit less than 10 feet, it shall be deemed a foul ball.

14. USA Stamped bats are required.


Minor League Coach Pitch - Single A (Ages 5, 6, 7, 8)

Game & Inning Length:

1.     Games are limited to six (6) innings. A new inning may not begin after 1 hour, Drop dead after 1:30 from the official game start time. A new inning is deemed to start at the time the last out is made in the bottom of an inning. Regular season games tied at the end of the sixth inning (or the end of an inning during which time runs out) are ties. A team is limited to five (5) runs in an offensive inning.

2.     The home team head coach will be the official time keeper of the game.

3.     A game may also end when the opposing team can no longer get enough runs to tie or defeat the opposing team and 4 innings have been completed. 10 run Mercy Run Rule is in effect after the 4th inning. However, if both coaches choose to keep playing, they may continue play until the umpire calls an end to the game for time reasons. If the coaches choose not to keep playing, the game will conclude. Also, if the game continues, runs will no longer be counted and for scoring purposes the game is completed.

Game Day Routine:

4.     This Division will make an attempt to provide Volunteer Coach Umpires to officiate the game. The umpire will alternate each half inning with the defensive team representing a coach as umpire positioned behind the pitching circle. The Umpires decisions will be respected, and Coaches must follow the appropriate procedure in the Little League Rulebook to appeal a play. Note: With only (1) one umpire it is difficult to make the correct call on every play.

5.     Coach Pitch will use appropriate baseballs as recommended for this age division.


6.     Teams batting may have 2 adult base coaches and 1 adult coach pitcher. Teams in the field are not permitted to have any coaches outside the dugout or in the field of play, unless acting in the Volunteer Coach Umpire capacity.


7.     Batter must use bat stamped with the USA logo. Coaches are expected to not let players bring unapproved bats, but if a bat is deemed illegal, the umpire will remove it from play.

8.     All players are to bat in continuous order (whether playing in the field or not). The batting order shall remain as submitted to the scorekeeper at the beginning of the game. Players arriving after game begins are placed at bottom of order. A batter is out after 3 strikes or fifth pitch (if last pitch not fouled), whichever occurs first. If the Catcher catches a foul tipped ball on the third strike or fifth pitch the batter is “Out”.

9.     Intentional bunting is prohibited.


10. The catcher shall wear protective gear, including chest protector, shin guards and a hockey style helmet with a throat protector. In order to speed the game along, teams may start the inning before the catcher arrives. The defensive teams’ coach should be ready to retrieve balls, but either team can provide a catcher to speed up play.


11. Free substitutions will be permitted. A team may start (and end) a game with eight (8) players without recording an automatic out. If a team only has seven (7) players, the game may also start and an out will be recorded in the eighth batting slot unless another player on the team arrives prior to the at bat. (This rule will be waived in the regular season, but enforced in playoffs). Teams requiring an extra player should contact the player agent for an extra player from the pool player list. Should a player leave the game due to injury, illness, or parental control the team does not take an out in that batting slot unless the loss of the player reduces the team to six (6) players. If a team only has six (6) players at the start of the game, the game will be ruled a forfeit. A player may leave for a restroom break and miss an at-bat with no penalty to the team. No player shall sit for more than one (1) inning per game until all players have sat for at least one (1) inning that game.


12. Ten (10) defensive players will be utilized in the field. No more than 6 players may play on the infield. No more than 4 players may play in the outfield.

13. Defending players may not stand in front of the bases and obstruct runners. Little League rules shall apply for any interference or obstruction.

14. Players may not switch positions during a half inning with the exception of injuries or extreme circumstances. In other words, a pitcher should not switch an infielder and/or an infielder should not switch positions with an outfielder during the half inning. Players should remain in their designated position for the duration of the half inning.


15. Each team shall utilize a coach pitcher. The coach pitcher shall deliver the ball overhand from a standing position from a distance between 35-40 feet from the batter.

16. The coach pitcher is not allowed to talk to the batter. If a coach pitcher talks to the batter a warning will be issued, then a strike, then an out, and finally an ejection if it continues. (This rule is intended to speed up the pace of play. The base coaches may provide instruction, but pitchers should be pitching. This will be deemed at the Umpire(s) discretion.)

17. The coach pitcher shall make every attempt to exit the field of play (crossing the foul lines) when a ball is put into play by the hitter. The coach pitcher shall not obstruct or interfere with a base runner or any defensive player. Little League rules shall apply for any interference or obstruction. In the event a batted ball strikes a coach pitcher, the ball will be dead and no pitch will be declared.

18. The kid pitcher shall be positioned within the pitching circle. The kid pitcher shall remain within two (2) arms lengths of the pitching rubber, while not interfering with the coach pitcher, until the ball is delivered by the coach pitcher. In the event the kid pitcher leaves too soon, no pitch will be declared unless the pitched ball is put into play, in which case the offensive manager shall elect to either accept the play or resume the at-bat with a no pitch being declared.

Base Running:

19. The ball is dead when the ball is “under control” in the infield, in fair territory and either;

a) The lead runner stops trying to advance or

b) The lead runner reaches a base after the ball is under control in the infield

20. The term trying to advance will dictate that the runner must be moving towards the next base. If a runner rounds the base and stops in an effort to bait a throw, the runner will be sent back to the previous base if no defensive play is being attempted. The only exception would be a true rundown or an attempt by the defense to make a play.

21. The term under control would include a successful catch at first base (or any base) on a throw from any part of the infield which would prevent a runner from scoring from 2nd base on an infield hit, (or taking an extra base such as going from first to 3rd).

22. An outfielder holding the ball does not constitute “ball control.” An infielder must have the ball in fair territory to have “ball control.”

23. Runners are allowed to advance one base per overthrow.

24. Overthrow at 1st base – The player is permitted to advance, but limited to taking second base. However, if the position player continues to make a play on the base runner and throws again the play continues. If the fielder does not make a play, the runner is limited to one extra base.

25. If the infielder attempts to throw a runner out advancing, then the ball is no longer “under control”. For example, runner on first base, ball hit to the outfield, runner advances to third base. The outfielder throws to third. Hitter attempts to go to second. If third baseman attempts to get runner out at second, then the runner at third can now attempt to advance.

26. Runner at 2nd base, advancing Home on play to 1st base – When there is a runner at 2nd base, and a ball is hit into play and does not leave the infield, the runner may only advance to Home if an error occurs (e.g. bobbled by infielder, overthrown to 1b, dropped at 1b). This rule is intended to prevent runners advancing Home to take advantage of the catcher position lacking or absent in this division.


Minor League Player Pitch - Double A (AA) (Ages 7, 8, 9, 10, &11)

1.     All games will have a maximum time limit of 1 hour and 45 minutes (drop dead). No new inning may be started after 1 hour and 30 minutes. The next inning begins immediately after the third out of the bottom half of the previous inning. The official time of any game will always be the scheduled time. The umpire is the official timekeeper. All games shall end at the designated time regardless of the time the game started unless there is no game following the game being played in which case the no new inning rule will still apply however the maximum time limit will be waived so as to finish the current inning prior to ending the game.

2.     Every player on a team roster will participate in each game for a minimum of six (6) defensive outs and bat at least one (1) time. Any player who does not play mandatory number of outs and at bats will be required to start the next scheduled game and the manager will

3.     be subject to disciplinary action as outlined in Little League Regulations.

4.     If agreeable to both teams at the start of the game, there can be 4 outfielders when a team has more than 9 players.

5.     Each team shall bat ALL players on offense. The league will use continuous batting order of all players present at the game.

6.     A 5-Run Rule will be in effect.

7.     It is Vero Beach Little Leagues policy that if a Player Pitch “AA” Division player declines to move up to a Minor “AAA” Division team when selected to fill a vacancy in the Minor “AAA” Division, that player will remain in the Coach/Player Pitch “AA” Division for the duration of the current season.

8.     Two (2) adult base coaches are allowed provided another coach or parent volunteer is in the dugout with the players.

1.     The home team is responsible for providing the official scorekeeper for the game. The home team will also be the official for all records including pitch count. Game Changer

9.     A pool of players from existing regular season teams will be created for players willing to participate in extra games during the regular season. NOTE: PLAYERS MAY NOT BE BORROWED FROM AN OPPONENT. Refer to Little League Rule Book Regulation V page 34 for Guidelines.

10. The infield fly rule will not be enforced during the regular season and end of season tournament.

11. USA Stamped bats are required.

12. During Fall season no pitcher can throw more than 3 inning or 30 pitches, whichever comes first. Threshold, a pitcher can finish the batter if pitch number 30 occurs during the at bat. 


Minor League Player Pitch - Triple A (Ages 9, 10, 11, 12)

1.     All games will have a maximum time limit of 2 hours (DROP DEAD). No new inning may be started after 1 hour and 45 minutes. The next inning begins immediately after the third out of the bottom half of the previous inning. The umpire is the official timekeeper. The games must complete a 4 innings to be an official game, in the event the game does not reach 4 innings due to time/light constraints, the game will be resumed at the inning and score the game was halted. All games shall end at the designated time regardless of the time the game started unless there is no game following the game being played in which case the no new inning rule will still apply however the maximum time limit will be waived so as to finish the current inning prior to ending the game.

2.     Every player on a team roster will participate in each game for a minimum of six (6) defensive outs and bat at least one (1) time. Any player who does not play mandatory number of outs and at bats will be required to start the next scheduled game and the manager will be subject to disciplinary action as outlined in Little League Regulations.

3.     Each team shall bat ALL players on offense. The league will use continuous batting order of all players present at the game.

4.     It is Vero Beach Little League policy that if a Minor “AAA” Division player declines to move up to a Major Division team when selected to fill a vacancy in the Major Division, that player will remain in the Minor “AAA” Division for the duration of the current season.

5.     The 5-run rule will be in effect except for in the final inning in which the 5-run rule will be waived. Any new inning starting after one hour and thirty minutes shall be the last inning as long as that inning begins before the one hour and forty-five minute no new inning mark. The sixth inning, regardless of when it begins, shall be the last inning and the 5-run rule will be waived. If an inning begins before the 1 hour and 30 minute mark and ends after the 1 hour and 45 minute mark, then the 5-run rule will not be waived during that game.

6.     Two (2) adult base coaches are allowed provided another coach or parent volunteer is in the dugout with the players.

7.     The home team is responsible for providing the official scorekeeper for the game. The home team will also be the official for all records including pitch count. Game Changer

8.     The visiting team will be responsible for operating the scoreboard. Visiting team should also keep a scorebook as secondary reference if questions come up during play.

9.     A pool of players from existing regular season teams will be created for players willing to participate in extra games during the regular season. NOTE: PLAYERS MAY NOT BE BORROWED FROM AN OPPONENT. Refer to Little League Rule Book Regulation V page 34 for Guidelines.

10. The infield fly rule will not be enforced during the regular season and end of season tournament.

11. USA Stamped bats are required.

12. During Fall season no pitcher can throw more than 3 inning or 30 pitches, whichever comes first. Threshold, a pitcher can finish the batter if pitch number 30 occurs during the at bat. 


Major League Baseball (ages 10,11&12)

1.     All games will have a maximum time limit of 2:00 hours (DROP DEAD). No new inning may be started after 1 hour 45 minutes. The next inning begins immediately after the third out of the bottom half of the previous inning. The umpire is the official timekeeper. The games must complete a 4 innings to be an official game, in the event the game does not reach 4 innings due to time/light constraints, the game will be resumed at the inning and score the game was halted. All games shall end at the designated time regardless of the time the game started unless there is no game following the game being played in which case the no new inning rule will still apply however the maximum time limit will be waived so as to finish the current inning prior to ending the game.

2.     Every player on a team roster will participate in each game for a minimum of six (6) defensive outs and bat at least one (1) time. Any player who does not play mandatory number of outs and at bats will be required to start the next scheduled game and the manager will be subject to disciplinary action as outlined in Little League Regulations.

3.     Each team shall bat ALL players on offense. The league will use continuous batting order of all players present at the game.

4.     Two (2) adult base coaches are allowed provided another coach or parent volunteer is in the dugout with the players.

5.     The home team is responsible for concession. Game Changer is used to keep score

6.     The visiting team will be responsible for operating the scoreboard.

7.     A pool of players from existing regular season teams will be created for players willing to participate in extra Interleague games during the regular season. NOTE: PLAYERS MAY NOT BE BORROWED FROM AN OPPONENT. Refer to Little League Rule Book Regulation V page 34 for Guidelines.

8.     The infield fly rule will be enforced during the regular season and end of season tournament.

9.     Dropped 3rd strike rule will be in effect.

10. USA Stamped bats are required.

11. During Fall season no pitcher can throw more than 3 inning or 30 pitches, whichever comes first. Threshold, a pitcher can finish pitching to the batter if pitch number 30 occurs during the at bat.

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